Broken and Beautiful

TBG Jan-4411.jpg

Photograph Story | Broken and Beautiful

I captured this photograph just about one year ago. Life recently threw me a big curve ball and I was just getting back into photography, after tucking my camera aside for a month.

While photographing butterflies, I was immediately drawn to this one. The soft light gracefully complimenting the colors allowed me to see past the broken wing. I honestly missed it at first and remember pulling my camera down after zooming in and noticing.

I smiled inside. A rather large smile, in fact. There I was, capturing photographs for myself, after a hiatus, and one of the first things I came across in nature was an exquisitely beautiful butterfly, even with a broken and torn wing.

This little moment made me realize I was going to push through my recent heartache and upcoming life changes. Feeling broken myself in some areas, I remembered there was still plenty of beauty around and within me to cherish.

My encounter with this little butterfly was both memorable and meaningful. Looking back on this photograph brings me joy, knowing how far I have come.