Capitol Reef National Park
Travel | Capitol Reef National Park
While on a road trip last fall, I allotted half a day to visit Capitol Reef National Park, while crossing the state of Utah. Clearly, this was nowhere near enough time.
Points of Interest
Fremont Waterfall - Although technically within the national park, access to this waterfall was outside of the park entrance. Due to several near-fatal incidents involving swimmers at the falls, the area is closed for swimming. There is a small parking area located approximately 6.5 miles east of the Capitol Reef National Park entrance on Highway 24.
Scenic Drive - The scenic drive takes you to 11 diverse and beautiful stops. My favorites included the Moenkopi Formation, the Grand Wash and the Waterpocket Fold.
Fruita Campground - this developed campground is adjacent to the Fremont River and is surrounded by historic orchards. The restrooms have running water and the campground is open year-round.