Colonial National Historical Park

Travel | Colonial National Historical Park

Travel | Colonial National Historical Park

As far as I can recall, this we my first visit to Colonial National Historical Park in Virginia. Seems a bit far fetched given my proximity to the park growing up. However, most family vacations when I was a littler lady bypassed Virginia, heading further south or west.

Options abound for places and areas to explore, within the park. My time was spent in both Historic Jamestowne and Yorktown Battlefield.

Top Five Hikes + Places to Explore

  • Colonial Parkway - a 23 mile scenic highway connecting Yorktown Battlefield, Historic Jamestowne and Williamsburg.

  • French Trench Overlook - by the Yorktown Victory Center, offering a view of the York River.

  • Island Parkway - this loops takes you around Jamestown Island, with swamps, creeks and rivers nearby. Multiple pullouts provide opportunities for short hikes to explore away from your car.

  • Yorktown Battlefield Tour Roads - 16 miles of roadway takes you through Yorktown Battlefield by foot, car or bicycle.

  • Yorktown National Cemetery - a somber place to reflect on the battle.