Ocmulgee National Monument
Travel | Ocmulgee National Monument
My afternoon visit to Ocmulgee National Monument was hot and humid, with a touch of spitting rain. My favorite part was walking along the path to the Earth Lodge, flanked by bright green grass and trees.
Top Five Hikes + Places to Explore
Dunlap Trail - this half mile trail leads to one of the surviving Civil War earthworks in Macon, Georgia.
Earth Lodge - a council chamber from over 1,000 years ago.
Great Temple Mound - a half mile trail to the largest of seven mounds in the park, at 55 feet.
Opelofa Trail and Loop - a one mile trail through wetlands with ample opportunities for wildlife sightings.
The River Trail - a one mile hike to the Ocmulgee River, through a densely wooded area. Black bears and alligators have been seen on this trail.