Wupatki National Monument
Travel | Wupatki National Monument
While fleeing a large snow storm in northern Arizona, I did a bit of National Monument hopping. Wupatki National Monument was stop number one. Due to preservation efforts, some hikes are guided and limited to small groups.
Top Five Hikes + Places to Explore
Citadel and Nalakihu Pueblos - a somewhat steep quarter mile trail takes you to both pueblos. The view from the Citadel is stunning!
Crack-in-Rock Hike - this hike is through a lottery system, offered during weekends in April and October. Taking on this 16 mile, strenuous overnight hike is on my bucket list!
Wukoki Pueblo - an easy half mile hike takes you to this pueblo, frequented by wildlife.
Lomaki and Box Canyon Pueblos - an easy half mile hike to a pair of pueblos overlooking small canyons.
Wupatki Pueblo - the largest pueblo in the park with nearly 100 rooms. The half mile trail begins behind the visitor center.