Trailing White Fireworks

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Photograph Story | Trailing White Fireworks

Growing up in a suburb of Washington, D.C., I spent July 4th watching the fireworks burst over the monuments most years. Traveling into the city as a family of six was always a bit of an adventure. Whether we parked miles away from the lawn or took the metro in from a local station, it was a full day activity filled with fun family moments.

I have watched the fireworks from many other locations over the years. None have ever compared to my memories in Washington, D.C.

When I moved back to Maryland last summer, I decided to head into the city for the fourth of July. My parents came along and we relaxed (in the hot sun) for hours leading up to the show. Due to the crowds, we decided to watch from the Iwo Jima Memorial in Arlington.

My parents sat beside me on a blanket while I stood with my tripod, flanked by other photographers. The fireworks were just as amazing as I remembered, from my childhood.

If you are in the United States and celebrate Independence Day, I hope you have a great time enjoying your local festivities tomorrow!